Tuesday, April 8, 2008

I'm Bad at This.

So it took me another month to figure out, "hey, maybe I should post again!" And then conveniently enough, a friend sent me and email telling me to regardless. Well here we go, today's topic is inside jokes, or ones that go for a long time.

Everyone has them, something that is capable of producing such intense laughter that it can kill you and your friend but any onlookers would have no clue as to what the hell the point was. Weird, but awesome, cause who doesn't love them?

So for all of my friends out here, these are for you.

"Can Opener."

"Against a Wall."

"Let's watch a few episodes of 'Friends' eh?"

"That's uncanny!"

"Sup personwhohasnoideawhatthisisaboutbuttheoneguywouldfindthisfuckinghilariousifheeverreadit."

And none of you know more then two of these. But there are a few out there that are laughing right now, or at least smileing. Fascinating.

Okay so Fig's question of the day is:

"How much wood would a wood chuck chuck, if a wood chuck could Chuck Norris?"


Matt said...

That's ridiculous, a wood chuck cannot chuck Chuck Norris. He would receive a roundhouse kick in the teeth for his effort.

Malcolm said...


seconded =D

that's uncanny!